Let’s get more potential clients to your site!
Hi, {{ name }}

Thank you for signing up to {product} with your website, {domain}.

As part of your subscription, you can also use our SEO tool. We make SEO optimization easy by taking care of all the heavy lifting for you.

What happens next?

Check your website is live

  • Already live? Great! Head straight to step 2.
  • Not live yet? Activate your site as soon as you can so we can calculate your SEO score.

We’ll calculate your SEO score

Once your site is live, we’ll scan it and award an SEO optimization score. We’ll send you an email to let you know as soon as this is ready.


We’ll prepare your SEO improvement plan

Get an easy-to-implement plan broken down into small, simple tasks so you can start improving your SEO score one step at a time.

Esto es una task
Esto es una task
Esto es una task
Esto es una task
Tasks to start with
Tasks to start with
Include a sitemap in XML format
Include a sitemap in XML format
Include a sitemap in XML format
Include a sitemap in XML format
Include a sitemap in XML format
Include a sitemap in XML format

Stay tuned for your SEO score and improvement plan – you’ll be welcoming more visitors to your site in no time!

All the best,
The marketgoo team
Malatones, 63, 28110 Algete. Madrid. Spain